Demand Proof! Never Take the Word for the Deed
Paul Dayton: Speaking the Language of Evidence.
Evidence from history, data extracted from economics, and telling the WHOLE truth, punctuate Paul Dayton's writings.
Demand Proof! Never Take the Word for the Deed
Evidence from history, data extracted from economics, and telling the WHOLE truth, punctuate Paul Dayton's writings.
Released in late 2024, at more than 500 pages, Paul's sophomore literary release edifies readers thoroughly regarding many important consequences of central planning, and of the removal of the possibility of personal gain. France 1789, American Indians, Marxist policies, colonialism, Silk Road commerce, and more!
Defender of freedom, John Rush, interviews Paul on KLZ. Check out John's website
If it's not in stock in your area, get your copy online at your favorite website!
Hear Paul Dayton with national top 10 radio host John B. Wells (Jombee) on Caravan to Midnight in 2021. Paul and John explore the horrors and tyranny of the New Deal, wonder why its invocation does not spell instant political suicide for those who attach it to their legislation, and relate its strategy to present day.
A candidate for the NYS seat, Diane Sare backs the New Deal -even as Paul points out its many foibles- is against involvement with the Ukraine/Russia affair, and predicts nuclear armageddon in the event that Joe Biden is installed for a second term in the White House! Sare on voter fraud, and more!
Hear Paul's interview with the illustrious Stan Milam. The two discuss some personal finance topics, including why the 401k is the never gonna retire account, and what you should do instead!
Did you know that in NYS there was a law stating that all a government employee had to do was to mention the Covid Monster, and then arrest a citizen? No warrant, no lawyer, no phone call, no hearing, no trial, no release date. The law was truck down, but NYS has appealed the decision. Hearing 9/13 in Rochester.
Paul Dayton has over 10 years experience in business and investing, and was the co-host of D&P: Delivering the Truth, and Exposing the Lies on Paul has been a panelist on the Chris Salcedo Show on Newsmax TV, as well as a featured guest of John B. Wells on Caravan to Midnight
Paul has also been a guest of Mitch Henck on WHBU, Kim Wade on WYAB, Bob Burnell on WOSH, Stan Milam on WCLO, Brandon Vogt on KKOB, Bill Brady on KFNX, Diana and Dean on D&D: Delivering the Truth in NYS and Beyond on, Mike Triem on KLTT, as well as of John Rush on KLZ.
August 2023. A few topics include: 9/11, the fictitious assertion of White Supremacy's prevalence in USA laws, the history of slavery, Africans captured and sold slaves to the New World, homesteading, and more!